Divine Astro Healing

The word ‘Healing’ comes from health. Both physical and mental health may be impacted by past impressions/ karmas and surroundings. ‘Astro’ is derived from Astrology which is a divine science to study the movements and relative positions of celestial objects (planets, Zodiacs, Nakshatras) as a means for deriving information about human affairs and terrestrial events.
As per Astrology, there are 9 planets, 12 zodiacs and 27 nakshatras which play a vital role in human affairs, starting from birth till death. One can derive various astrological impacts in respect of health, money, family, fame and overall quality of life etc. at various spans of life, by reading and analyze his/her astrological charts based on planetary positions.
An astrological chart has 12 houses and every house represents one part of the body, a relationship, and aspects of life as well, and each house has one Zodiac placed in it. Similarly, every zodiac represents one part of our body from head to feet. Every Zodiac is ruled by one of the 9 planets, and also signifies one of the five elements of nature ie Air, Water, Fire, Earth, and Sky. Based on the placement of all planets and zodiacs at the time of birth of a human, and the time to time movement of planets across Zodiacs and Nakshatras, these celestial objects influence humans in negative and positive manner.
On the other hand, as per me, every soul on earth is there since long (may be thousands of years). It’s mentioned in the Bhagwat Geeta that when a soul comes in visible mode, it’s called ‘birth’, and it goes back to invisible mode after death. Breathing is fuel for our soul. Your date of birth is the birth date of your five element body and not your soul who is here since ages.
The Divine has inspired me to devise this healing process which works as a remedy for any negative astrological placement or movement and helps to heal any physical or mental illness or disease. And, thus, the name “Divine Astro Healing”. In this process, one heals self and others through soul-level healing. All souls are connected with each other through one universal power, the Supreme Soul. The fact that Divine Astro Healing is done through soul-level and its connection with other souls make this healing process a powerful mean to overcome various physical and mental problems of self and others.
‘Divine Astro Healing’ is the healing process that helps you harness the super powers of your soul to heal yourself and others. It takes you into the silence of your soul, where you communicate with the divine presence within you, and find peace as if connected with a higher realm of spirituality
 If You Are with You, Every  Power with  you


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