Don't let the opportunity to vote go unnoticed; know the benefits of voting. Voting affects your planets. You make planetary donations to correct your planets. You know that the donation made in nation-building is your vote, which in English is also called "DO+NATION". Your vote also corrects your planets. Let's understand: You get the opportunity to cast your vote once every five years, which directly relates to your Sun and Saturn planets. Every action of yours is connected to the planets, and if you use your conscience, you can bring about spiritual changes in your life. The central government's direct connection is with the Sun planet, which is the king of the planets. You act as Saturn when exercising your right to vote. Saturn is also called the judge. By evaluating the government's actions, you vote for what you consider fair. When you go to donate your vote, Saturn gives you two thoughts: First, you are going to vote for your own self-interest. ...