Krishna Guruji - DAH family offers Global Prayers on 'Sri Lankan' Independence Day

 DivineAstroHealing(DAH) family under the revered leadership of its founder Krishna Guruji celebrated the 76th year of Sri Lankan(SL) independence on Feb 4th '24 with fervor by offering prayers  for that country.

Over 20 members gathered over Zoom video conference from different nations including USA, India to send out group prayers and healings to Sri Lanka on its national festival of its Independence Day. 

Ma Rajalaxmi Ji( Queen of Nepal, resident of USA)  and Ms Prabha ji( of SL origin - VP @ Citibank, Florida, USA) were the guests at this event. Both of them addressed the audience with their views and thoughts of this unique celebration by participants having no ties with that nation and thanked Guruji acknowledging his prayers for the nation.

Guruji led the participants in prayers with emphases on the message of 'Vasudeva Kutumbakam\One World One Family'.

The group will continue to celebrate national festivals of other nations as well, which will all culminate in the celebration of Global Healing Day on August 11th. GHD is an annual celebration running into its 9th year this year where all the participants will assemble on a common platform transcending our differences to offer our collective prayers, healings to the entire mankind on Globe. Participants have witnessed miraculous results in the collective energy & prayers.

Recording can be watched at - Global Prayers for Sri Lanka

Guruji leading thep articipants at the Global Prayers


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