Krishna Guruji's thought provoking celebration of 'Hanuman Janmotsav as Gratitude Day' - Are you a 'Hanuman' in anyone's life?

Krishna Guruji's talk on Hanuman 🐵Jayanthi 🎊,

On this day celebrated as Gratitude Day by Divine Astro Healing (DAH) family under the leadership of Krishna Guruji, contemplate - Are you or were you a Hanuman in anyone's life? Do you have Hanuman's in your life?

Hanuman does not have to be a physical person but can be in the form of energy of finance, strength, valor, help...... in whatever form even if in little quantities.

Who is Hanuman? Is a soul which got birth in Monkey yoni(species), always in service of his swami\God - Bhagwan Ram. 'He, Lakshman & Sita' were inscribed in his heart. He had the boon from the Bhagwan, he would be a Chiranjeevi, remembered & renowned through eternity.

Today, at all Hanuman temples, there will be special Poojas, Bhandaras, chanting of Hanuman Chalisa, Kirtans, Bhajans, exchange of greetings but as always Guruji asks his followers\DAH members to reminisce who are the Hanuman's in our lives and vice versa - thus connecting each of the religious festivals to services to society.

Learnings from Hanuma's life:

  1. He surrounded all of his and his own self to his Swamy with no favors expected in return(not even his grace 👀) and Bhagwan Ram was equally samarpith to his sevak.

Guruji's message on this Gratitude Day:

  1. Hanuman is an energy of devotion, gratitude, unconditional service towards another soul and made it his dharma as well.
  2. Recap how many of them have you helped(with no expectation in return) & vice versa!
  3. Be the Hanuman in some one's life. Help whom you can!
  4. Today as you accept the greetings and exchange greetings, remember in whose lives you have been Hanuman and try to be in as many people's lives as you can (with awareness)
Shub Hanuman Janmotsav from DAH parivar to each and every reader and its family members.



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