Krishna Guruji + DAH family celebrate - Akshay Trithaya as 'Prasav Diwas' | 10May24

As part of the 'transformation of religious festival' series initiated by Krishna Guruji, under his leadership the local Indore team celebrated 🎉🥳the pious 'Akshaya Trithiya' as 'Prasav Diwas' @ Maharaj Yeshwantrao Hospital, 🏥 Indore, MP.

The celebrations began with staging the brand-new clothes 👚for the infants and dry fruits Ladoo🍠 in beautiful gift boxes at the hospital. The infants born today, and their moms were honored with these gifts, garlands and Guruji touching the feet 👣of the infants and taking their blessings!

It was a sight to witness with the newly delivered moms walking in with their babies to receive the gift, from whomelse, none other than our beloved Guruji.

The delight on the faces of the mom's, family members and the hospital staff ⚚were contagious!
Watching the newly born infants 👼🍼👶just then, beginning their journey in this birth - was a sight 👀to behold and what better grace than a Guru himself going in person to welcome them on this planet. 🌏

Insights from Guruji regarding the importance of this day.

  1. Akshaya means - the one that does not perish (history has it - anything purchased this day multiplies multiple folds). 
  2. Guruji asks us to recall all that we desire\attached to and what we would like to detach from.
  3. Parashuram's birth(avatar) was on this day.
    1. Infants born on this day will grow up to be great spiritual mentors, innovators, politicians..
    2. Honor infants at your nearby hospitals on this day and celebrate their mom's.
This year's Akshay Trithiya could not have been at a better time than so close to Mother's day!

A message from Guruji to the citizens of Bharat.

Given the ongoing 2024 Indian General Elections this year, Guruji also propagated the message to the citizens of Bharath to cast their votes(mat daan) and explained how it positively impacts the planets in our daily lives.


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

मत दान से होता है आपके ग्रहों का उपाय

Voting affects your planets.

Dhan Teras Medicine Day dedicated to doctors Medicine Merchants, Hospitals