KrishnaGuruji and his DAH family celebrate Holi as Intention Day || 24March2024

In continuing the series of the 'Transformation of Festival's', Krishna Guruji and his DAH Parivar celebrated 'Holi' as 'Intention Day'.

On the eve of Holi, Guruji and his followers assembled @ Shani Navagraha Mandir, Ujjain, MP to light the Holika Dahan pyre per the customary practice. Ancient history has it that on this day Holika, sister of Hiranyakashipu burnt to ashes when she sat in the fire pit with Prahlad on her lap with the bad intention of wanting the little child to burn to ashes since he would not accept his father Hiranyakashipu as almighty and always chanted the name Narayana - the Supreme. Since Holika's intention was bad, although she had the Divine boon of not being burnt by fire, she was burnt to ashes while Prahlada came out unscraped, the moral of this is his intentions were clear and while not Holika's.

In order to commemorate it, DAH family celebrates it as 'Intention Day'.

The event commenced with the Mantra chanting and Havan @ the Shani Navagraha mandir, followed my lighting the Holika Dahan. Guruji's request to the society is to burn their ego, hatred, jealousy, aggression, lust and our other negative qualities in order to lead a peaceful life. This event was covered by leading newspapers. 


Dinu ने कहा…
The event really transforms the meaning of Holika Dahan. Wonderful intention

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