Krishna Guruji's Maha Shivaratri message and celebration as 'Sayukth Parivar Diwas' - 08March24

Shri Krishna Guruji, the founder of DivineAstroHealing(DAH) and its Parivar members celebrated Maha Shivaratri as 'Joint Family Day\Sayukth Parivar Diwas' in the series of 'transformation of festivals' into human connections. circulating the message of strengths of a joint family system & its benefits that can be derived from Shiv Parivar - the family members who are living together as a family with animosity. 

The 'Naharwala' parivar of Ujjain, MP comprising of 70 members of all age groups spanning 3 generations from age 70 to newborn, were honored and recognized on this day and awarded a memento. Guruji and the Indore DAH Parivar members visited them in person, recognized & honored them along with chanting Shiva Bhajans + songs +Shiv tandav stotram by Shri Atul Tiwari ji.

Message from Shiv Ji's Vehicle, Vesh Boosh

1: Nandi

Signifies patience, just as he waits outside and we devotees convey our wishes into Nandi's ears to convey to Shiv Bhagwan, Nandi is patiently waiting outside, we should learn to be patient as Nandi and understand things will happen only at their set time.

2: Bhasma\Vibhuti

Shiv Bhagwan's body is covered in Bhasma.  - depicts we arise from Ash and will end up as Ashes.

3: Damarau 

Signifies our breath is operated by the Divine and we are puppets in his hands. Everything is destined\happening, execute it with awareness.
Breath is Shiv - we have to face both happiness and sorrow.

4: NeelKant - Signifies the poison he drinks from all the negativities in order to save the entire world.

5: Shiv Panchayat - The vehicles of all the Parivar are adverse to one another, still they all stay together, disseminating the message to stay in family overcoming all hurdles

6: Cresent Moon
The Crescent Moon on Shiv ji's forehead depicts we keep our mind calm and composed at all times.
Guruji's key Shiv Ratri Key Message

7: Nar Mund Maala on his neck

Symbolizes all of our birth's history is with Shiv Ji. You can learn the entire of your births from Naadi Jyothi, each one of us are unique finger print.

8: Trishul Sandesh

Message is to balance life - vaath, pith, kaap, balance thoughts, anger, jealousy.

9: 3rd Eye 
Represents our intellect\awareness.
Be always alert and use your intellect.

Along with following your customary practices of celebration. Introspect on self on the various relationships you had this past year as a spouse, child, parent, friend, boss, subordinate. What were your mistakes? Did you justify your role? On this special, powerful night surrender your mistakes at the Divine and rectify and work on correcting self.

The event was covered by several leading media channels.


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