
जून, 2024 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

,बिल्ली का रास्ता काटना अशुभ क्यू ?

  जीवन आपका सुझाव मेरा क्या बिल्ली का रास्ता काट कर जाना अभी भी अशुभ है  अतीत की आस्था परंपरा को हम आज तक ले कर। चल रहे है पर सब कुछ बदल लिया अधिकांश लोग अपनी सोच बदलने में भय व्याप्त है जिस प्रकार आज भी अधिकांश लोग बिल्ली के रास्ता काट जाने पर रुक जाते है ।और किसी और के जाने पर जाते है या रास्ता बदल लेते है मेरी व्यक्तिगत सोच में हमारे ऋषि मुनि बुजुर्गो ने बिल्ली के रास्ते काटने पर क्यू अशुभ बोला।क्यू की पहले गांव में जंगली जानवर का भय होता था एवम सबसे पहले बिल्ली को आभास होता था,एवम बिल्ली कभी रास्ता क्रॉस नही करती कोई जानवर के भय से रास्ता क्रॉस करती थी।हमारे बुजुर्ग ने जगली जानवर के भय से जोड़ बिल्ली रास्ता काटे तो थोड़ी देर बाद रास्ता काटने को अशुभ बता डर पैदा किया जो आज के युग में इतना प्रासंगिक नही रहा।आज लोग घर में बिल्ली पाल रहे है  अतः कोई भी चीज स्वीकार करते वक्त तर्क जरुर ढूंढे आपका सबसे बड़ा ईश्वर समय है जिसका उपयोग सोच समझ कर करे।सब कुछ खरीद सकते है समय नही https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krishna_Mishra?wprov=sfla1

#IDY2024 - 'Yoga for Self & Society' - AHF Celebrated it early AM (US timings) under the leadership of Krishna Guruji

 Awakening Humanity Foundation (AHF) celebrated IDY 2024 over Zoom video conference with participants from over 9 different countries. The event was led by Spiritual and Yog Guruji Sri Krishna Mishra aka Krishna Guruji (MA in Yoga). IDY 2024 - Celebrations The event began bright and early at 8 AM PST, with a welcome note, followed by recap of past year celebrations (PowerPoint presentation and videos), from the inception of IDY in 2015. Then Guruji set the context to the event, played the Yog song from Ayush and then lead the participants in Yoga, conducting Kapaal Baati pranayama, his signature pranayama - 'Pitru Pranayama' (to recap our ancestors). Guruji explained the significance of this day June 21st, aligning with the Summer Solstice and the importance of Sun planet in Astrology and its connection to our father and had his recall our father. He concluded it with a philosophical song in his mellifluous voice and also with prayers for well beings of all in this world. He em

10th International Yoga Day Special - Pitra Pranayam(Unique Self Remedy for Pitru Dosha)

Common notion is - If you face hurdles in some specific work and the same is not getting finished even after all the efforts, auspicious acts are coming to a halt; it is called Pitru Dosha as per the native's astrological chart. Let's understand it from an Astrological chart perspective. If planet Sun is there in native's 9th house along with Rahu or Ketu or Saturn, it results in Pritu Dosha. In case this combination of planets is there even in any other house, that also results in combustion or part pitru dosha.  These doshas are identified in the birth Astro chart as well as the moon Astro chart. Based on this study of astrological charts, remedies are prescribed.  As per Guruji -  My personal view, however, is quite different. As per me, "Pitru Dosha", the name itself is inappropriate. Simple logic should approve this view that despite whatever problems our ancestors faced, they would not like to put us in trouble at any cost. Yes, there may be some rituals