10th International Yoga Day Special - Pitra Pranayam(Unique Self Remedy for Pitru Dosha)

Common notion is - If you face hurdles in some specific work and the same is not getting finished even after all the efforts, auspicious acts are coming to a halt; it is called Pitru Dosha as per the native's astrological chart. Let's understand it from an Astrological chart perspective. If planet Sun is there in native's 9th house along with Rahu or Ketu or Saturn, it results in Pritu Dosha. In case this combination of planets is there even in any other house, that also results in combustion or part pitru dosha.  These doshas are identified in the birth Astro chart as well as the moon Astro chart. Based on this study of astrological charts, remedies are prescribed. 

As per Guruji

My personal view, however, is quite different. As per me, "Pitru Dosha", the name itself is inappropriate. Simple logic should approve this view that despite whatever problems our ancestors faced, they would not like to put us in trouble at any cost. Yes, there may be some rituals they wait for us to perform, and in case of non-performance, they go through some problems and the same causes problems for us.

Let's talk about a 'cure for such problems' that is very different from these traditional remedies. This remedy, i.e., Pitru Pranayam is based on linking your five-element body with your ancestors through your breathing and paying gratitude to them.  

What is Pitru Pranayam, its a harmonized breathing pattern: Our left nostril is known as Chandra (moon) nadi that is calm by nature and represents the mother element. On the other hand, Surya (Sun) nadi resides in our right nostril, hot by nature, and represents the father element.

 Pitru Pranayam process:

1) Sit in Sukhasan form at a calm place.

2) Close your right nostril with your right-hand thumb3) Place your index finger on your third eye point (Aagya Chakra).

3) Place your index finger on your third eye point (Aagya Chakra).

4) Remembering your mother's face, take a deep breath from your left nostril (irrespective if your mother is no more in this world)))).

5) Now close your left nostril with the help of your left-hand thumb and by putting your left-hand index finger on your third eye point. Release breathe from your right nostril, remembering your father's face.

6) After resting for a while, again take a deep breath from your right nostril, recalling your grandfather's face.

7) Now close your right nostril with the help of your right-hand thumb and by putting your right-hand index finger on your third eye point and breath out from your left nostril, remembering now your grandmother.

8) Considering breathing in and breathing out twice, we have completed one cycle above. After a small rest, now 2nd cycle needs to be started, again by deep breathing in from the left nostril, recalling your maternal grandfather, and breathing out from the right nostril remembering your maternal grandmother's face. After that, this process will go from right to left, remembering the great maternal grandfather and great maternal grandmother. (even if you don't remember faces or names, imagine them.) 

9) Like above, the 3rd cycle needs to be followed by remembering father-in-law, mother-in-law, great father-in-law, and great mother-in-law.

After that, take some rest, remember whatever time you have spent with your pitars (ancestors), apologies to them for any advertent, inadvertent mistakes you had made or for any negligence while taking care of them.

Each of your twelve houses, as per your astrological chart, represents one or more relationships. With this Pitru pranayam process, we balance impacts (and reduce adverse effects) of planets on relationships residing in ten astrological houses of these 12 houses. 

Krishna Guruji (Krishnakant Mishra) 

Founder - Divine Astro Healing 



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