#IDY2024 - 'Yoga for Self & Society' - AHF Celebrated it early AM (US timings) under the leadership of Krishna Guruji

 Awakening Humanity Foundation (AHF) celebrated IDY 2024 over Zoom video conference with participants from over 9 different countries. The event was led by Spiritual and Yog Guruji Sri Krishna Mishra aka Krishna Guruji (MA in Yoga).

The event began bright and early at 8 AM PST, with a welcome note, followed by recap of past year celebrations (PowerPoint presentation and videos), from the inception of IDY in 2015.

Then Guruji set the context to the event, played the Yog song from Ayush and then lead the participants in Yoga, conducting Kapaal Baati pranayama, his signature pranayama - 'Pitru Pranayama' (to recap our ancestors). Guruji explained the significance of this day June 21st, aligning with the Summer Solstice and the importance of Sun planet in Astrology and its connection to our father and had his recall our father. He concluded it with a philosophical song in his mellifluous voice and also with prayers for well beings of all in this world. He emphasized when we connect with our own self\breath\body, that is the biggest pooja and this body the biggest temple which is fueled by the breath👃 that is operated by the Divine.

The event was graced by guests.

  1. Sri Kailash Vijayvargiya ji - National General Secretary of BJP
  2. Miss Sheikh Zakya Habib ji
Guruji has been preparing his daily participants for this event since a month, teaching the 
Ashtanga Yog (8 limbs of Yog) by Patanjali(Author of Yog Sutras), categorized into 
  1. Yam, 
  2. Niyam, 
  3. Asana, 
  4. Pranayama
  5. Pratyahara
  6. Dharana, 
  7. Dhyana &
  8. Samadhi
He beautifully explained prerequisites of the Yoga Principles in a nutshell and easy to remember in this race of modern age with acronyms encapsulating them. The ultimate goal of Yog is to realize self - be in Yuj (Sankarit word) to be in Union of body + mind.... the ultimate Samadhi state, for which above are the pre req's.

He also explained today Yog is looked like a cure for any disease - Thyroid, BP, Sugar etc....
while the goal of Yog is Samadhi. He works hard on teaching it holistically to the team.

He had his participants take Sankalp (from prior celebrations) to not limit it to just this 1 day annually, but it to be applied every single day of the year.

The celebration was hosted by Ms Jayalakshmi Ji & concluded with Vote of thanks by Pratibha ji from NY.

PN - Krishna Guruji has been celebrating annually Yog day in unique and productive ways to benefit people from diverse walks of life, including the underprivileged and marginalized society.

AHF wishes its readers a very happy, healthy IDY2024.


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

मत दान से होता है आपके ग्रहों का उपाय

में औऱ मेरी स्वार्थी दीवाली की बधाई #Krishnaguruji

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