
2024 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं


 Divine Pet Healing: A Revolutionary Concept for Your Beloved Pets In today's world, pets have become an integral part of our lives, often treated with the same care, love, and attention we give to our own children. This emotional connection has led to a growing concern about their health and lifespan. Understanding the deep bond between humans and their pets, internationally renowned Divine Astro Healer, Krishna Guruji, has introduced a revolutionary concept known as Divine Pet Healing. This technique is designed to enhance your pet’s health and well-being, ensuring they live a long, healthy life filled with vitality. 1) What Is Pet Age Healing? Pet Age Healing is a unique healing technique based on the principles of Divine Healing. In this fast-paced world, where pets are becoming an integral part of families, people naturally want their pets to live long and healthy lives. The emotional bond between humans and their pets has grown stronger, and just like we invest in our childre...

डिवाइन वास्तु हीलिंग: क्या है और कैसे काम करती है?

 डिवाइन वास्तु हीलिंग: क्या है और कैसे काम करती है? डिवाइन एस्ट्रो हीलिंग के संस्थापक कृष्णा गुरुजी ने डिवाइन वास्तु हीलिंग की स्थापना की। इसमें साधक अपनी प्राण ऊर्जा का प्रयोग करके अपने घर के वास्तु दोषों का निवारण बिना तोड़-फोड़ या भारी खर्च के कर सकता है। यह एक सरल और आध्यात्मिक प्रक्रिया है जो पंचतत्वों की शक्ति पर आधारित है। वास्तु क्या है? वास्तु का मतलब है घर का सही ढंग से निर्माण। जिस तरह हमारे शरीर के हर अंग का एक स्थान होता है, उसी तरह घर के हर हिस्से का भी एक सही स्थान होता है। यह व्यवस्था ऊर्जा को संतुलित रखती है। अगर यह स्थान गलत हो जाए, तो घर में नकारात्मक ऊर्जा और वास्तु दोष उत्पन्न होते हैं। वास्तु की दिशा और कोने पंचतत्वों (अग्नि, जल, आकाश, वायु और पृथ्वी) पर निर्भर करते हैं। इन तत्वों का सही संतुलन घर की शांति और समृद्धि सुनिश्चित करता है। चार महत्वपूर्ण कोने: 1. आग्नेय कोण (पूर्व-दक्षिण कोना): यह अग्नि का स्थान है, जहां घर के अग्नि से जुड़े उपकरण जैसे चूल्हा, गैस आदि होने चाहिए। 2. नैऋत्य कोण (दक्षिण-पश्चिमी कोना): यह स्थान घर के मुखिया के लिए होता है। 3. वायव्य ...

आज के युग मे दशहरा का मकसद सिर्फ अपना प्रचार #Dussehra2024 #Vijayadashmi2024 #Ravandahan

आज की इस युग में जरूरी.  है अपने अंदर के राम रूपी गुण एवम रावण रूपी अवगुणों के चिंतन की। नवरात्रि के व्रत, जप, तप से अपने विकारों पर विजय का पर्व है विजयादशमी। स्वयं के राम से स्वयं के रावण का दहन। वर्षों पुरानी परंपरा विजयादशमी पर्व, अच्छाई पर बुराई की जीत के लिए मनाया जाता है। शास्त्र कहते हैं कि रावण का दाह संस्कार नहीं हुआ था, इसी लिए रावण दहन करना एक परंपरा बन गई। इस कलयुग में रावण दहन मात्र एक खेल बन गया है। अपने छोटे बच्चों को रावण दहन दिखाना मात्र मनोरंजन का साधन बन चुका है एवम राजनीति लोगों के लिए राजनीतिक अखाड़ा। सब जानते हैं कि रावण एक सर्वज्ञानी ब्राह्मण था जो असुर वंश में पैदा हुआ था। पर अपनी शिव साधना से उसने शिव तांडव रचा और शिव की असीम कृपा का पात्र बना। ये वही रावण है जिसने अपनी मंत्र साधना से ग्रहों को अपने वश में किया। यहां तक राम सेतु के निर्माण के वक्त भगवान राम द्वारा ब्राह्मण कार्य का आमंत्रण देने पर विधिवत पूजन भी किया। किसी इंसान की मंशा एवम कर्म देखना चाहिए। रावण के जन्म के बारे में सबके अलग-अलग मत हैं। एक सम्प्रदाय तो रावण को विद्याधर कहता है। आज के इस कलय...

Report of #GHD24 offered as a 3-day DAH retreat @Rishikesh, Uttarakhand

Krishna Guruji Welfare Society celebrated 🎊🎶🎬GHD2024 in grandeur,which was offered as a package of a 3-day retreat at Paramarth Niketan Ashram @ Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, Bharath from Aug 9th through 11th, with the main day of event on Aug 11th '24(Sunday). A brief chronicle of the events.  Check in on evening of Aug 8th Day 1 - Aug 9th - Group intro, warm up, guided meditation, Ganga Arti, night Satsang Day 2 - Aug 10th - Group game (viewing & reporting), Ganga, guided meditation, private Ganga Arti, night Satsang Day 3 - Aug 11th - Pre GHD guided meditation, GHD celebration, night Satsang Check out on Aug 12th morning Aug 11th - the 9th annual GHD graced with guests from diverse backgrounds from  Indian Police Service Inspector General of Jail Smt Vimala Gunjyal Ji,  Shri Mahesh Semalty ji,Priest from local temple. Panch Granti's from local Sikh Gurdwara. To recap this event has been held nationally and internationally for the past 8 years. Our beloved Guruji conce...

Unique Krishna Janmashtami message celebrated as 'Knowledge Day' by Krishna Guruji

 Shri Krishna Mishra aka Krishna Guruji founder of Divine Astro Healing (DAH) imparted wisdom outside of the box in his unique pragmatic style. In his ongoing practice, he emphasized the importance of each festival's celebration in his Transformation series of the celebration of festivals. Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated as the birth of Bhagwan Krishna (the 8th avatar of Bhagwan Vishnu) at midnight of Ashtami Tithi of Krishna Paksh in the month of Shravan. The customary practice of devotees thronging temples, swinging the cradle with the infant, singing bhajans, offering bhog, distributing sweets is still persistent in many parts of the world. Our revered Guruji asks us to recall the pains of each one of us a parent (mother and father). Do any of us mom, who are complaining in pain of children not studying, not married, not working is even anywhere nearly close to the pain of Mother Devaki who carried all her 8 children to full term pregnancy, delivered the child only to be cruel...

कलयुग पुराण कृष्णा गुरुजी

https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhhjKzFN1OBeNVsqA2oEv_wbtfl-wbaOm&si=J05u1tG3hBkLK6ku  कलयुग पुराण। संपादकीय स्वयं के मुख से मेरा नाम कृष्णा कांत मिश्रा आध्यात्म जगत में कृष्णा गुरूजी के नाम से लोग जानते है रामायण में एक चोपाई है।। "संत ,बिटव्, सरिता ,गिरी,धरणी पर हित हेतु इनकी करनी अर्थ है संत वृक्ष नदी पर्वत धरती अपने लिए नहीं दूसरो के लिए बने है। जो की कटु सत्य है पर न जाने क्यूं संत अधिकांश पर हित की बजाय स्वयं संस्था हित में आ गए उसके बाद कही न कही हमारा वैदिक रीति रिवाज ने अपना मूल अस्तित्व खो कर भय ओर लालच के माध्यम बन गए जिसमे अधिकांश दोष हम जयसेवजन मानस का है जिन्होंने कारण जाने बगैर स्वीकार करना चालू कर दिया उसी रूपी में जो पहले था हर जगह परिवर्तन हुआ युग परिवर्तन हुआ में एक आम इंसान हु गृहस्थ का दिव्यांग भी हु पर अपनी दिव्यांगता को कभी अपने ऊपर हावी नही होने दिया।। 2 कलयुग पुराण क्यू आज इस पुस्तक के माध्यम से सभी पंथों की बाते आज के युग के युवा किसी प्रकार ग्रहण करे इसके बारे में बताया गया है आज हर युवा तर्क मांगता है बगैर तर्क लॉजिक के स्वीकार नहीं करता उसी प...

Guru visits Ujjain jail to celebrate 'Guru Purnima' as 'Margdarshak Diwas\Mentor Day' with the prisoners

 Krishna Guruji and the DivineAstroHealing(DAH)family visited Ujjain's Byroged Jail in the morning to celebrate ' Guru Purnima ' as ' Mentor Day '. In contrast to the popular customary practice of disciples and followers visiting Guru to honor him\her with Guru Dakshina, et all on this auspicious day, dedicated to Gurus for their guidance in our lives, the former visited the prison. He and the DAH family celebrated it with around 500 prisoners. He imparted knowledge, sang a bhajan, gave the prisoners advice to control their emotions. Intellect should be their first Guru and use awareness to avoid such decisions in the future which would end up in them being incarcerated. He distributed sweets on behalf of the DAH family. He advised them to spend the rest of their punishment in harmony with each other. He mentioned they are the Guru for their family members and he was there representing their relatives. It was impressive to note the prisoners play the accompanying in...

US Independence Day Celebration as part of 'Do for Nation = Donation of Prayers' drill by Krishna Guruji and DAH Family

With the ongoing rhythm of 'Do for Nation = Donation of Prayers 🙏' drill introduced by Shri Krishna Mishra aka Krishna Guruji, the DivineAstroHealing(DAH) family 👪under his leadership celebrated the 4th of July 🎆🎇🧨- USA Independence Day under the banner of Awakening Humanity Foundation (AHF), USA an NGO. The video conference began bright and early at 8.00 AM PDT commencing with the Welcome Note, Guruji setting the context of the event, participants sharing their opinion of being born in another country (Janma Bhoomi) while earning their bread and butter in America (Karma Bhoomi), their experiences in this country and the concept of coming together for collective prayers 🙏for world peace and harmony. Mathy Ji from New Jersey rocked the online stage with the rendition of 'American' national anthem. Guruji elaborated the importance of the  Karma Bhoomi, its flag 🚩(equivalent to a temple's flag\dwaj),  National anthem is the prayer of the country and  Provided a ...

,बिल्ली का रास्ता काटना अशुभ क्यू ?

  जीवन आपका सुझाव मेरा क्या बिल्ली का रास्ता काट कर जाना अभी भी अशुभ है  अतीत की आस्था परंपरा को हम आज तक ले कर। चल रहे है पर सब कुछ बदल लिया अधिकांश लोग अपनी सोच बदलने में भय व्याप्त है जिस प्रकार आज भी अधिकांश लोग बिल्ली के रास्ता काट जाने पर रुक जाते है ।और किसी और के जाने पर जाते है या रास्ता बदल लेते है मेरी व्यक्तिगत सोच में हमारे ऋषि मुनि बुजुर्गो ने बिल्ली के रास्ते काटने पर क्यू अशुभ बोला।क्यू की पहले गांव में जंगली जानवर का भय होता था एवम सबसे पहले बिल्ली को आभास होता था,एवम बिल्ली कभी रास्ता क्रॉस नही करती कोई जानवर के भय से रास्ता क्रॉस करती थी।हमारे बुजुर्ग ने जगली जानवर के भय से जोड़ बिल्ली रास्ता काटे तो थोड़ी देर बाद रास्ता काटने को अशुभ बता डर पैदा किया जो आज के युग में इतना प्रासंगिक नही रहा।आज लोग घर में बिल्ली पाल रहे है  अतः कोई भी चीज स्वीकार करते वक्त तर्क जरुर ढूंढे आपका सबसे बड़ा ईश्वर समय है जिसका उपयोग सोच समझ कर करे।सब कुछ खरीद सकते है समय नही https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krishna_Mishra?wprov=sfla1

#IDY2024 - 'Yoga for Self & Society' - AHF Celebrated it early AM (US timings) under the leadership of Krishna Guruji

 Awakening Humanity Foundation (AHF) celebrated IDY 2024 over Zoom video conference with participants from over 9 different countries. The event was led by Spiritual and Yog Guruji Sri Krishna Mishra aka Krishna Guruji (MA in Yoga). IDY 2024 - Celebrations The event began bright and early at 8 AM PST, with a welcome note, followed by recap of past year celebrations (PowerPoint presentation and videos), from the inception of IDY in 2015. Then Guruji set the context to the event, played the Yog song from Ayush and then lead the participants in Yoga, conducting Kapaal Baati pranayama, his signature pranayama - 'Pitru Pranayama' (to recap our ancestors). Guruji explained the significance of this day June 21st, aligning with the Summer Solstice and the importance of Sun planet in Astrology and its connection to our father and had his recall our father. He concluded it with a philosophical song in his mellifluous voice and also with prayers for well beings of all in this world. He em...

10th International Yoga Day Special - Pitra Pranayam(Unique Self Remedy for Pitru Dosha)

Common notion is - If you face hurdles in some specific work and the same is not getting finished even after all the efforts, auspicious acts are coming to a halt; it is called Pitru Dosha as per the native's astrological chart. Let's understand it from an Astrological chart perspective. If planet Sun is there in native's 9th house along with Rahu or Ketu or Saturn, it results in Pritu Dosha. In case this combination of planets is there even in any other house, that also results in combustion or part pitru dosha.  These doshas are identified in the birth Astro chart as well as the moon Astro chart. Based on this study of astrological charts, remedies are prescribed.  As per Guruji -  My personal view, however, is quite different. As per me, "Pitru Dosha", the name itself is inappropriate. Simple logic should approve this view that despite whatever problems our ancestors faced, they would not like to put us in trouble at any cost. Yes, there may be some rituals ...

Krishna Guruji + DAH family celebrate - Akshay Trithaya as 'Prasav Diwas' | 10May24

As part of the 'transformation of religious festival' series initiated by Krishna Guruji, under his leadership the local Indore team celebrated 🎉🥳the pious 'Akshaya Trithiya' as 'Prasav Diwas' @ Maharaj Yeshwantrao Hospital, 🏥 Indore, MP. The celebrations began with staging the brand-new clothes 👚for the infants and dry fruits Ladoo🍠 in beautiful gift boxes at the hospital. The infants born today, and their moms were honored with these gifts, garlands and Guruji touching the feet 👣of the infants and taking their blessings! It was a sight to witness with the newly delivered moms walking in with their babies to receive the gift, from whomelse, none other than our beloved Guruji. The delight on the faces of the mom's, family members and the hospital staff ⚚were contagious! Watching the newly born infants 👼🍼👶just then, beginning their journey in this birth - was a sight 👀to behold and what better grace than a Guru himself going in person to welcome the...

मत दान से होता है आपके ग्रहों का उपाय

  मतदान करने का अवसर ना जाने दे जाने मतदान के लाभ मतदान से होता है आपके ग्रहों का उपाय आप अपने ग्रहों को ठीक करने के लिए ग्रह संबंधी दान करते है,आपको पता है राष्ट्र निर्माण में किया गया दान आपका मतदान होता है ।जो इंग्लिश में भी DONATION याने DO+NATION होता है,आपका मतदान भी आपको ग्रहों को ठीक करता है आइए जानते है   5 वर्ष में एक बार आपको अपना मतदान देने का अवसर मिलता है जो आपके सूर्य शनि ग्रह से सीधा संबंध रखता है आपकी हर एक हरकत ग्रहों से जुड़ी होती है जिसमे आप अगर अपना विवेक का उपयोग करे तो अपने जीवन में अलौकिक परिवर्तन ला सकते है।।। केंद्र सरकार का सीधा संबंध सूर्य ग्रह से है जो ग्रहों का राजा है। आप शनि के रूप में जाते हे अपने मत का अधिकार उपयोग कर शनि को न्यायाधीश भी कहा जाता है  सरकार के कार्यों के आकलन से आप उचित न्याय कर जो आपको उचित लगता है उसे वोट देते है आप अपना मत दान देने जाते है तो शनि आपको दो विचार देता है पहला खुद के हित ,विचारधारा  के लिए आप मतदान देने  जा रहे हे या  राष्ट्र निर्माण की सोच के साथ।फैसला आपको करना है कुछ लोग पैसे ले कर वोट द...

Voting affects your planets.

  Don't let the opportunity to vote go unnoticed; know the benefits of voting. Voting affects your planets. You make planetary donations to correct your planets. You know that the donation made in nation-building is your vote, which in English is also called "DO+NATION". Your vote also corrects your planets. Let's understand: You get the opportunity to cast your vote once every five years, which directly relates to your Sun and Saturn planets. Every action of yours is connected to the planets, and if you use your conscience, you can bring about spiritual changes in your life. The central government's direct connection is with the Sun planet, which is the king of the planets. You act as Saturn when exercising your right to vote. Saturn is also called the judge. By evaluating the government's actions, you vote for what you consider fair. When you go to donate your vote, Saturn gives you two thoughts: First, you are going to vote for your own self-interest. ...

Krishna Guruji's thought provoking celebration of 'Hanuman Janmotsav as Gratitude Day' - Are you a 'Hanuman' in anyone's life?

Krishna Guruji's talk on Hanuman 🐵Jayanthi 🎊, On this day celebrated as Gratitude Day by Divine Astro Healing (DAH) family under the leadership of Krishna Guruji, contemplate - Are you or were you a Hanuman in anyone's life? Do you have Hanuman's in your life? Hanuman does not have to be a physical person but can be in the form of energy of finance, strength, valor, help...... in whatever form even if in little quantities. Who is Hanuman? Is a soul which got birth in Monkey yoni(species), always in service of his swami\God - Bhagwan Ram. 'He, Lakshman & Sita' were inscribed in his heart. He had the boon from the Bhagwan, he would be a Chiranjeevi, remembered & renowned through eternity. Today, at all Hanuman temples, there will be special Poojas, Bhandaras, chanting of Hanuman Chalisa, Kirtans, Bhajans, exchange of greetings but as always Guruji asks his followers\DAH members to reminisce who are the Hanuman's in our lives and vice versa - thus con...

Ushering in the Hindu New Year with celebrations at Bhikshuk Nirashrit Ashram | 09Apr24

Krishna Guruji and the DAH Indore Parivar celebrated the Hindu New Year\ Gudi Padwa at the Bhikshuk Nirashrit Aashram. The team distributed food items, Guruji addressed the lepers sang a motivational song. Today also happens to be Chaitra Navaratri . Navaratri is the cusp of 2 seasons. It is a time to detox and recharge the body. Day 1 - Dedicated to Ma Shail Putr i, Guruji worked on detoxing the Root\Mulaadhar Chakra. His tips are moun vrat(silence) is more important than vrat of Stomach(fasting). Reply only to questions asked and do not engage in any conversation.  This will help recharge the body rapidly.

KrishnaGuruji and his DAH family celebrate Holi as Intention Day || 24March2024

In continuing the series of the 'Transformation of Festival's', Krishna Guruji and his DAH Parivar celebrated ' Holi ' as ' Intention Day '. On the eve of Holi, Guruji and his followers assembled @ Shani Navagraha Mandir, Ujjain, MP to light the Holika Dahan pyre per the customary practice. Ancient history has it that on this day Holika, sister of Hiranyakashipu burnt to ashes when she sat in the fire pit with Prahlad on her lap with the bad intention of wanting the little child to burn to ashes since he would not accept his father Hiranyakashipu as almighty and always chanted the name Narayana - the Supreme. Since Holika's intention was bad, although she had the Divine boon of not being burnt by fire, she was burnt to ashes while Prahlada came out unscraped, the moral of this is his intentions were clear and while not Holika's. In order to commemorate it, DAH family celebrates it as 'Intention Day'. The event commenced with the Mantra chanti...